How To Charge Axess Speaker Without Charger: A Simple Guide

Looking for a way to charge your Axess speaker without a charger? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got a simple solution for you. Whether you’ve misplaced your charger or are in a situation where one is not readily available, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to charge your Axess speaker without a charger. So, if you’re ready to learn how to power up your speaker in a pinch, keep reading!

How to Charge Axess Speaker Without Charger: A Simple Guide

How to Charge Axess Speaker Without Charger


Charging your Axess speaker without a charger may seem like a challenging task, but it is indeed possible. Whether you have misplaced your charger or you are in a situation where you don’t have access to one, there are alternative methods you can use to charge your Axess speaker. In this article, we will explore different techniques and solutions to ensure that you can keep enjoying your music on the go without worrying about a charger.

Using a USB Cable and Power Source

One of the most convenient ways to charge your Axess speaker without a charger is by using a USB cable and a power source. Follow these steps to successfully charge your speaker:

  1. Locate the USB port on your Axess speaker. It is usually located on the side or back of the device.
  2. Connect one end of the USB cable to your Axess speaker’s USB port.
  3. Plug the other end of the USB cable into a power source. This can be a computer, laptop, power bank, or any other device with a USB port.
  4. Ensure that the power source is turned on and supplying power.
  5. Your Axess speaker will start charging. You may see a charging indicator light or hear a beep to confirm that the charging process has begun.
  6. Leave your Axess speaker connected to the power source until it is fully charged.

Using a USB cable and power source is a versatile method that allows you to charge your Axess speaker in various situations. It is especially useful if you are traveling or in a location where finding a charger is difficult.

Charging with a Universal Power Adapter

If you don’t have a charger specifically designed for an Axess speaker, you can use a universal power adapter to charge your device. Follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a universal power adapter that is compatible with your Axess speaker’s charging requirements. Make sure it has an appropriate voltage range and the correct adapter tip.
  2. Connect the adapter tip to your Axess speaker’s charging port.
  3. Plug the power adapter into a power outlet.
  4. Ensure that the power outlet is supplying electricity.
  5. Your Axess speaker will begin charging. Look for a charging indicator light or any other indication that confirms the charging process is active.
  6. Leave your Axess speaker connected to the universal power adapter until it is fully charged.

Using a universal power adapter gives you flexibility as it works with various devices. Ensure that you choose an adapter that suits your Axess speaker’s power requirements to avoid any damage to the device.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging is a convenient and cable-free solution for charging your Axess speaker. However, it is important to note that not all Axess speakers are equipped with wireless charging capabilities. If your device supports wireless charging, follow these steps:

  1. Check if your Axess speaker has built-in wireless charging capabilities. Look for a wireless charging symbol or consult the user manual.
  2. Place your Axess speaker on a compatible wireless charging pad or dock.
  3. Ensure that the charging pad or dock is powered on and connected to a power source.
  4. Your Axess speaker will start charging wirelessly. Look for any indications, such as LED lights or sounds, that confirm the charging process is active.
  5. Leave your Axess speaker on the charging pad or dock until it reaches full charge.

Wireless charging provides a neat and clutter-free way to charge your Axess speaker. However, keep in mind that not all models support this feature, so it is essential to verify if your device is compatible before attempting to charge wirelessly.

Using Alternative Power Sources

When you are in a situation where traditional charging methods are not available, you can explore alternative power sources to charge your Axess speaker. Here are a few options:

Using a Car Charger

If you have access to a car, you can charge your Axess speaker using a car charger. Follow these steps:

  1. Plug the car charger into the vehicle’s 12V socket.
  2. Connect the other end of the car charger to your Axess speaker’s charging port.
  3. Ensure that the car is turned on or that the 12V socket is supplying power.
  4. Your Axess speaker will begin charging. Look for any indicators that confirm the charging process is active.
  5. Leave your Axess speaker connected to the car charger until it is fully charged.

Using a Power Bank

A power bank is a portable battery pack that can charge devices on the go. Follow these steps to charge your Axess speaker with a power bank:

  1. Ensure that your power bank is fully charged or has sufficient battery power.
  2. Connect one end of a USB cable to your power bank.
  3. Connect the other end of the USB cable to your Axess speaker’s charging port.
  4. Turn on the power bank to initiate charging.
  5. Your Axess speaker will start charging. Look for any indicators that confirm the charging process is active.
  6. Keep your Axess speaker connected to the power bank until it reaches full charge.

Using a car charger or power bank provides you with the option to charge your Axess speaker even when you are on the move or during outdoor activities where access to power outlets is limited.

Charging your Axess speaker without a charger is indeed possible by using alternative methods. Whether you have a USB cable and power source, a universal power adapter, wireless charging capabilities, or alternative power sources such as a car charger or power bank, you can keep your Axess speaker charged and ready for use. Make sure to follow the specific instructions for your device and always prioritize safety while charging. Enjoy uninterrupted music on the go with these innovative charging solutions for your Axess speaker.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I charge my Axess speaker without a charger?

To charge your Axess speaker without a charger, you have a couple of alternative options:

Can I charge my Axess speaker using a USB cable?

Yes, you can charge your Axess speaker using a USB cable. Simply connect one end of the USB cable to your speaker and the other end to a power source, such as a computer or a USB wall adapter. Make sure the power source is capable of providing sufficient power to charge the speaker.

Is it possible to charge my Axess speaker with a power bank?

Yes, you can charge your Axess speaker using a power bank. Connect one end of a USB cable to the power bank and the other end to your speaker. Ensure the power bank has enough charge to provide the necessary power to charge the speaker. Some power banks may require you to press a power button or activate a charging mode before providing power to connected devices.

Can I charge my Axess speaker through my car’s USB port?

Yes, you can charge your Axess speaker using your car’s USB port. Connect one end of a USB cable to the USB port in your car, and the other end to your speaker. Ensure that your car’s ignition is turned on to provide power to the USB port. Some car USB ports may have limited power output, so the charging process may take longer compared to using a wall adapter or power bank.

Is it possible to charge my Axess speaker using a solar charger?

Yes, you can charge your Axess speaker using a solar charger if it is compatible with USB charging. Connect your speaker to the solar charger using a USB cable, and place the solar charger in direct sunlight. Please note that the charging time may vary depending on the strength of the sunlight and the capacity of the solar charger.

Final Thoughts

To charge your Axess speaker without a charger, there are a few alternative methods you can try. One option is to use a USB cable and connect it to a compatible device such as a laptop or power bank. This allows you to harness the power source from the device to charge your speaker. Another option is to utilize a power adapter with a USB port, which can be found in many households or purchased separately. By plugging the USB cable into the adapter and connecting it to the speaker, you can charge it without the need for a dedicated charger. So, if you find yourself without a charger for your Axess speaker, worry not, as there are convenient ways to charge it using common household items.

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